Where the abortion issue stands

This is going to be a long, but necessary debate, but without unnecessary rebuttals. My first observation is that the "pro-lifers" are elated over the decision by the Supreme Court. Their religious valuing of life is well-meaning but but misguided and dangerous. While this debate rages on, women across America are dying. Lack of access to natal care will become more prominent if we don't reach out to these targeted communities, often in rural, small town and Indigenous communities. The decision to turn down Row will have far-reaching consequences: the disappearance of pre-natal and post-natal care facilities in rural and remote communities.

First of all we must talk about birth control, BEFORE bringing up the topic of abortion. The far right wants easy answers to fit their insightless agenda. There are no easy solutions. However, l haven't seen anyone that supports anti-abortion discuss the fact that men play a role in this. Way too many women are being impregnated by footloose men never to be seen again. How many of the well-off men have done this to multiple women saying falsely to themselves that they have achieved their manhood? This false narrative is perpetuated in the media such as rock and rap venues and in sports environments. A man reveals his male superiority mainly by the way he walks and talks...

...and how many women he's had.

If anyone wants to come down on abortion it should be to the men that wrongly impregnate women.  Catching them is like chasing a greased pig.

This is not an easy topic.

The reality is that way too many men that get these women pregnant are under 25, are jobless or work a minimum wage job. Many come from impoverished families with little education and lack of access to healthcare.  In Indigenous communities, there virtually is no support system. Many of these young boys lack the skillful knowledge needed to practice safe sex. I'm not surprised to hear that some rural drug stores refuse to sell contraceptives to teenagers because it promotes "lustful ungodly behavior". The Catholic church still frowns on contraceptives. We have a real problem. 

Community outreach is a must. Support for these women must come from an outside source if the surrounding  environment is not supportive of their predicament.

Why do so many men want to legislate women's bodies?  Men don't want to gave up their power and authority. Their narrative teaches in their Protestant churches that women are subject to men. That is one of the false narratives!  (I can argue the subject of women's equalty and the Bible later). Thus that is the reason I find why some men (and yes, some women, too) in fundamentalist institutions want to keep women in their place: housewivery and submission to authority.  It's not about saving babies. March of Dimes has saved babies for decades.These politicians REALLY don't care about saving babies! 

Instead it is about keeping their position in power over women and minorities. "For the sake of the the children" has been bastardized.

I used to follow the right-wing teaching of Christianity.  Some of these teachings misled me and don't follow Jesus's teaching of compassion. A whole person who follows these teachings respect women's sovereignty and need for privacy.  The real SIN of these leaders is that they are stepping out of their bounds and invading women's privacy.

So pro-lifers, why don't you offer these victimized women caring and compassion? If she is unable to survive  a pregnancy physically and/or emotionally then l personally would respectfully bow out and let let the professionals do their job. Your job is to keep them in your prayers. Bring them them a warm meal or a warm blanket or perhaps read them a story; just don't bring up the subject: her baby. Those in the legislative halls have little or no experience in gynecology--well, maybe Senator Trist from Tennessee but he's pro-life.

So I will repeat: abortion prevention starts with the men.  Let's remind these politicians that it takes two to Tango. If a man can work and can make a restaurant manager or rig driver salary, then they  can support a child---or fund her abortion for something irresponsible done.

Let's restore the law of the land: women's privacy and her uncompromising freedom to choose. If Roe and Casey can't protect these rights, then the voters will get out and make it the law of the land.

We really need to work on Indigenous communities, immigrant and rural as well, especially in Appalachia and in Hispanic and poorer Asian communities. The pregnancy and suicidal rate is as high as 70% in Indigenous communities. It wouldn't surprise me that the suicide rate among young teenage women will rise because of no access to abortion care. This Supreme Court decision is devastating to all women regardless of their upbringing. This will cause  VAST healthcare facilities that provide pre-/post-natal to shut down. The decisionmakers apparently didn't weigh the horrific consequences that will result later down the road. It will have a devastating snowball effect. We are about to witness a widespread mental health crisis due to the Roe decision.

So please conscientious voters, the decision to keep the spirit of Roe and Casey alive is to go to the polls.

More about sex education and birth control:

Young boys need sex education as early as the fifth grade.  Instill in them these values of girls having the same rights. Teach them how dangerous unsafe sex is in that it impacts the whole community and that it may impoverish them for the rest of their lives if they get a girl pregnant. Community outreach is the goal. The left and right should agree that abortion prevention starts with pregnancy prevention and it starts with MEN.

I would like to add a difficult topic: overpopulation. Overpopulation is a worldwide problem. WE NEED WORLDWIDE HUMANITARIAN POLICY ON POPULATION CONTROL, NOT TARGETED TO ANY ONE COMMUNITY BUT TO THE GENERAL POPULATION. People close to me are having difficulty breathing due to depletion of oxygen from carbon emissions. 

Why am I intersecting the environment with population control and abortion rights? Because human bodies emit carbon dioxide. In nature, trees and vegetation balance the exchange.  Sadly, though, as population grows the demand for physical travel access grows and thus cars/vehicles. This is where the epidemiology of asthma among children begins to progress: lack of clean air to breathe. Disrupting the natural atmospheric balance will destroy endangered species from global warming, and eventually wipe out the human population if not curbed.

The ensuing result will be more than half the human population will suffocate in the next few generations. The earth has an organic means of population control, tragic as it sounds.

Thus, to avoid these tragedies people must take into consideration the quality of of life of people already living. Let's leave the topic of the unborn OUT of the legislative halls. That is between the woman, her caregiver, her God (or not) and maybe a compassionate minister/counselor.  Let's focus on the quality of each life and not on the quantity for those who are privileged and want to populate their name. Let's use use common-sense family planning and understand that future generations of families worldwide will need to limit their family size if we are to curb climate change. Let's focus on alternative energy sources, drive less or get an electric car and depend less on fossil fuels.

I really wish that worldwide people would wake up. This is a global crisis. Birth control is the key. Abortions can be avoided. It's time time that boys learn the hard facts of impregnation girls at an early age...

...so that they can breathe clean air.

The youth of today see things differently than many of my peers when it comes to these three topics. They value freedom of choice. Even youth groups as diverse as Norway, India, Japan and African nations are taking to the streets demanding change to our political systems that uphold industrialization/corporate interests over the will of the people. They often feel cheated out of the political process so they go out to protest and rally. These topics, birth control/abortion rights, the environment and humanitarian will be brought forward on demand. The people will govern, not politicians.k

I am pro-choice and always will be.

In the upcoming weeks ahead. I will be writing petition letters and make calls. Canvassing is great but leave that to those with stronger feet and less achy knees. Let's appeal the Overturn ruling; have voters to demand Roe be made law and that Privacy Protection Under the Law is the cornerstone value of the Constitution.  Senate Bill 1, (S.B.1), For the People Act, will ensure that the American People decide for themselves choices they make for their bodies. Unless such is incapacitated, no one except for the woman herself has agency over her body. No one. Not even the husband. No law should state that a man has agency over a woman's body. I REPEAT. NO ONE. 

We need to get House Bill 4, The John Lewis Voting Reformation Act, to ensure that all voters can get to the polls. These two bills support the Spirit of the Constitution. It protects pro-choice. No clause or article in the Constitution states when life begins. However, we must define the difference between life at conception and life upon birth. Where does the question begin?

I strongly believe under the Privacy Protection Clause of the Constitution that...

In my words 

[ ...hereto the Constitution shall not declare life from conception "legally life" due to its nascence of life development; however the Constitution shall hereby acknowledge the SANCTITY of life, regardless of development stage, but hereto without respect to one or an organized group incurred of a religious ideology pertaining to a "prescribed" meaning of when life begins...

...the ruling also applies to Privacy Protection Clause stating in addendum:

This Clause covers protecting ALL Individuals: women's privacy and EQUALITY is the foundation of why the 14th Amended was drafted and passed.]


It is redundant to add a trigger word to the Constitution.


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